Young Climathon at St. Gallen – Switzerland, 29th of November

St. Gallen, Switzerland
29 Nov 2019

Myclimate, Climate-KIC and Smartfeld invite you to be part of the first Young Climathon in Switzerland, happening in St. Gallen. Over 100 students will work on climate challenges from the city of St. Gallen and the Citizen Science Centre of ETH Zürich and University of Zürich.

How can consumers in the city of St. Gallen be engaged in more sustainable consumption patterns? How can youth be engaged in eating more sustainably? How can youth be motivated to use more climate-friendly ways of transport? How can youth get engaged in collecting data which could be used to understand climate challenges and develop solutions? 

We are happy to welcome you to this exciting event (Please register here: Einladung #YoungClimathon StGallen)

-9.00 – 12.00: Problem analysis

-13.00 – 15.30: Finding solutions

-16.00: Pitching session